Chris belongs to a group called The Renegade Pigs Motorcycle Club a non for profit organization comprised entirely of sworn public safety personnel. While raising money for Chris and his family in the wake of his accident, his friend Raul Cervantes was seriously injured in an accident the day before Chris' benefit. Raul is a Crestwood firefighter/medic. He was hit by a non attentive driver. He suffered numerous injuries most severely severing his spinal cord. He is now confined to a wheel chair and paralyzed from the waist down. The Renegade Pigs Motorcycle Club is trying to raise money to help if not purchase a handicap equipped van and make the necessary renovations to his home to make it wheel chair accessible. The club also has a Tax ID # that can be used if you should choose to make a tax deductible donation.
Everlasting Memories has teamed up with The Renegade Pigs Motorcycle Club... we are trying to raise money for this family who is in dyer need of our help. Everlasting Memories is donating a Slide Show worth $300 to benefit this family.
Chris is selling fundraiser tickets for $20/piece. The benefit will be held in Illinois at "BOURBON STREET" on 04-19-2009. There will be a seperate fundraiser for him held in Indiana to be announced in the area of US30 and US41 on 04-18-2009 with discount hotel rooms nearby and shuttle bus service to and from the BOURBON STREET event on the 19th. I will post the Indiana information as soon as it becomes availabe to me.